Some Tips

Enter Class Information
Enter your Subject, Course and Period. Parents who are receiving 7 or 8 reports will be able to know which subject the report is for.
Click on Edit, Class Information or Options, Class Information


Overwriting grades in GradeQuick - The program recognizes teachers need to sometimes change a grade from the statistical average to a grade that reflects the students total work. To change the grade for the Quarter, be sure you have Subtotal for This Term showing, and then select the grade cell under Subtotal -

Type in the new grade - It will appear in bold (to denote that it has been changed) next to the average of the grades.

If you want to undo your overwriting of the grade, double click in the Subtotal Cell with the changed grade and then hit delete (or backspace on the Mac)... It should return with the averaged grade.

Entering a grade other than a number grade... You can enter the following in the subtotal column - F, P, or I - please enter them in caps... F=Fail, P=Pass and I=Incomplete. These are converted to specific numerical grades. Make sure this is really what you want.


Extra Credit - Give a score higher than the total points for an assignment or test.


Dropping Students
- You cannot drop students. Only Guidance can do that. Dropped students will have a DR in the grade field. You can choose to sort them. Click on View, Sort, Students. Sort by "First Word in Line". All the dropped students will be sorted to the bottom of the list.

If you try to drop a student who has not been dropped by Guidance (i.e. doesn't have DR in the Grade box) they will automatically be added when you log back in.


Create a new test column
PC users should click on the blank column to the right of the last test.
MAC users can use the keyboard shortcut Command (open apple) plus i (think i for insert)


You can insert a row at the top of the GradeQuick grade book showing student and/or test information. This might help you keep track of which cell you are in.
Click on

View, Student Status Line


View, Test Status Line

You can also insert a tool bar at the top of the page
Click on View, Toolbar and hide/unhide it.


Sorting so dropped students are last
On the Menu Bar, Click on View, Sort, Students. Sort by "First Word in Name"


Making a student assignment exempt, zero credit, or incomplete
Use X to exempt an assignment for a student (the assignment will not be counted in the student's average)
Use NC for No Credit or not complete where it will count as a 0
Use the ** to be either Exempt or No Credit (depending on which you choose in Grading Preferences) Most teachers do not change the default setting of ** = exempt (not counted in computing grades)


Student Data in GradeQuick
Need to get a student's phone number, an email, or other information.. Go to the View Menu and select Student Info (on Mac or PC) and highlight the data field(s) that you want to see for your students. It will appear on the screen.
You can select and deselect the info to see from the View Menu.. For email addresses, select the field "e-mail" in the data fields. We will be adding new data fields shortly.. Please send in your suggestions of info that should be included...


Grading at Home
You can install GradeQuick at home. We have installations disks and directions for "checking in and out" your grades so that they stay in synch. See the friendly folks in the Technology Department


Printing Selected Tests by Date
In the report preview, go to the Tests Pull Down menu in the Print/Preview Editor window. Hit the Select Tests or Subtotals - On the bottom right hand side of the window there is an area which says "choose from tests between"
Here you can choose the dates of the items you want to print

MVRHS 10/8/2004