To Zap Notes:

On the PC
1. Open your class Grade Sheet in Gradequick.
2. Go to the Edit Menu and select Memos.
3. In the submenu select "Zap All Notes To Students".
4. Save your Grade Sheet (File- Save).
5. You are now ready to enter new memos for this quarter's Interim Progress Reports.

On the Mac
1. Open your class Grade Sheet in Gradequick.
2. Go to the Edit Menu and select Global Changes.
3. Select Zap from the submenu.
4. A dialog box will appear with ZAP on top. In the Apply to: pull down menu select "Notes to Students".
5. Select OK. The dialog box will tell you that it will remove all notes to students. Select OK.
6. Save your Grade Sheet (File- Save).
7. You are now ready to enter new memos for this quarter's Interim Progress Reports.

Because new files start with no notes, you only need to do this after term 1 for full year or first semester courses, or after term 3 for second semester courses.

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MVRHS 5/15/2006