Gradequick is now available on the web in your Edline account - To access Edline go to
Logging in to Edline
- If you have a username and password enter it
- If you have already registered on Edline and you don't remember your password, you can click on the forgot password or forgot screen name to recover it
-If you have not activated your account, click on the activate account ink. If you do not have your activation code contact the tech department.
Accessing Gradequick
1. Once you are logged onto Edline, look on the left side of the main page. Find Command Center
2. Under Command Center you will notice "Semester 1- Gradequick Web" and under it "Get Gradequick Web Plugin"
3. If you have not downloaded the Gradequick Web plugin, do so by clicking on the "Get GQ Web Plugin" - It will install onto your computer. On the school Macs you only need to do this once.
4. Click on the Sem 1 GQ Web under command center - the web app will load up (you may need to reenter your edline username and password)
Gradequick Web
When GQ Web loads all of your present classes will appear on the screen - Use the Window menu to choose the grade sheet you want to use.
You will notice that each grade sheet has the name and ID number of your class - You can change this by going to the webpage for your class (under the classes heading) and under the Contents heading select the *Gradebooks - Select the Edit button and change the name of the grade sheet to something that makes it easy for you to identify. You may want to have your printed Rediker schedule to reference the period with course number.
Entering grades, weighting, etc. will be very similar to the Gradequick program you used last year.
For more information about using and exporting grades with GradeQuick see the Checklist for Gradequick, Exporting Grades and GradeQuick Tips