Student Drop Box

 Many of you have asked, and now you will be able to have students "send/save" their files on the computer network here at school so that you can access them from your computer.

By Using the Student Handout folder, they can save files in the Student Drop Box portion of the folder - This drop box allows them to send the file only - They can not see anything inside the folder, erase anything, or change the names

You,as teachers, have full access to this folder to gather all of the files sent in, put them in a folder, copy them to your account (desktop) and then delete them.

The attached video goes through the steps for a student to save a file to the drop box, for you to access and copy them, as well as a review of using the Student Handout folder to share files with student.

This folder should be especially useful when using the portable lab.l

Library Main Page

MVRHS 03/08/2007