Just For Fun

Some Informative and Interesting Sites on the Lighter Side


The Martha's Vineyard Skate Park site.

WHOI's South Shore cam and weather info, subtract 5 hours to convert Greenwich Mean Time to Eastern Standard Time, 4 for Eastern Daylight Time. 

In vain, our name is taken

There is a Martha's Vineyard Lounge at the Disney Beach Club Resort.

The New York Times has a Style piece.

There is an Arthur's Vineyard in Atlanta.

You could live at the Martha's Vineyard Apartments in Austin Texas.



Did you know you can save half on your airline tickets? Get rebates sent to you as cash? Print grocery store coupons on your home computer? Find the lowest price offered for almost any item? Visit the shopping page and save yourself some money.



Insults by Shakespeare Try this link again

How is your pronunciation of these words? Some words that are commonly mispelled, sorry misspelled.

What happened Today in History?

Improve your vocabulary with the Word of the Day


Earth and Sky From ocean floor to mountain peak and onto the heavens, this site answers questions about astronomy, the environment and earth sciences. Based on the award winning radio series ( heard locally on WUMB) this site is well organized and very informative.

Bourne Bridge Camera Heading to Boston? Check the traffic on the other side of the bridge.

Waikiki Beach Check the surf. If you check this in the morning it will still be dark in Hawaii. There is a six hour time difference.

Realtime Map of the Earth See where the Sun shines.

The Local Weather Report courtesy of AccuWeather.

The Old Farmer's Almanac for long range forecasts. Local Tide Predictions.


Your Tax Dollars At Work

IRS Tax Forms and Publications OK so this falls more under the category of useful rather than fun. But if it's 11 P.M. and you need a form now, here it is.

Find a Zip Code courtesy of the Postal Service.

Wanted Posters from the FBI

Consumer Information Center all the Federal publications you're ever likely to need (or want).

Federal Consumer Information More information from the folks who take part of your paycheck on how to spend what's left. 


How Stuff Works offers clear explanations on just about everything. Check out the cool gadget of the day or what WD-40 stands for.

The Internet Movie Database has information on most major movies

Go to the birthday calculator from PaulSadowski.com to see when you were born and when you were likely conceived.  See also how many years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds old you are. Or Where Did The Time Go?

Sudoku pure logic puzzles

Anagram finder

Discover Music Find and play new music by genre, by date or by calm/energetic or dark/positive.

Images that Changed the World demonstrates the power of photography, Beautiful Landscapes


Twenty Questions Uncanny how a computer game can almost always guess what you are thinking of.

State map quiz Place the states. It's easy if the computer starts you with Texas or Florida, harder if you start with Wyoming or Nebraska.

Brainsex and other psychological tests from the respected folks at the BBC.

You don't have any racial prejudice, do you? Just to be sure take the Implicit Association Test from researchers at Harvard.

How Many of Me? How popular is your name? Also search for two names in WolframAlpha, e.g. Jennifer Jason

Your Amazing Brain has real life experiments games, illusions and brain benders

Optical Illusions, Number Spirals, Psychology of Color, Optical illusions, Personality Tests, Jungian Personality Test, Rotating Illusion, Skytopia,


Netscrap collects witty, intelligent scraps of wisdom from the internet.

The Darwin Awards Mostly not true but still very funny stories about human stupidity.

Urban Legends from AFU (alt.folklore.urban) and About/Mining Company dispel those emailed stories from people who don't let truth get in the way of a good story.

Another site, The Urban Legends Reference Pages looks for the source of some of the more popular myths; the $250 cake/cookie recipe, the missionary about to be hanged who needs your prayers, the company that will donate money or books for every 25 emails you forward. Particularly good is the Lost Legends section. It should be studied thoroughly by every aspiring skeptic.

Scams Unmasked from Quatloo You won't believe some of the get-rich-quick schemes people fall for.

Simpsonize a picture of yourself.

Videojug is the world explained with a British sense of humor. Try "How to be a perfect boyfriend" and "How to be a perfect girlfriend" (need speakers)

Humorous Quotes including the ever popular Dan Quayle.

Humor and pathos at Post Secret

Insults and insulting quotes. Broaden your ability to creatively insult your fellow students. Nothing lame about this site. More political humor.

Bored.com If you're bored, the links on this site will keep you up far into the night. Boring Days

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updated 2/27/2012