Google Calendar to and from your cell phone

Have Google Calendar send an event reminder to your phone or email account

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Here's how you can customize your reminder settings:

In the calendar list on the left, click the down-arrow button next to the appropriate calendar, then select Notifications.

(Alternatively, click the Settings link at the bottom of the calendar list, then click the Notifications link to the right of the appropriate calendar.)

In the Event reminders section, select the reminder method from the drop-down menu and enter the corresponding reminder time (between five minutes and four weeks). If you'd like to add additional default reminders, simply click Add another reminder.

You can also choose to be notified of specific activities on the calendar by selecting the appropriate options in the Choose how you would like to be notified section.

Click Save.


Get your calendar sent to you in a text message

You can get a text message from your calendar by sending a text message containing one of the following commands to the shortcode '48368' (GVENT):

'next': request your next scheduled event

'day: request all of your scheduled events for the present day

'nday': request your events scheduled for the following day

Daily Agenda

If you've opted to receive Daily Agenda notifications, they'll be sent out via email at 5 AM, local time.

To receive a Daily Agenda, follow these steps:

    In the calendar list on the left, click the down-arrow button next to the appropriate calendar, then select Notifications.

    Check the Daily agenda box in the section entitled Choose how you would like to be notified.

    Click Save. 




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